Have you had your novel translated from English into German and now need the translation checked and edited? As an English and Russian to German translator and editor, I will edit the German version of your novel.
Editing a novel translated from English into German differs significantly from editing a novel written in the original language. When working on a translated novel, there is no need to pay attention to illogical plot lines, because that was already done in the original version. A translated novel also doesn’t need to be compared word for word with the original text; it’s much more important that the style of the original is preserved and that the translated text is coherent and reads well. So, I read the translated novel as a reader would, polish the style, eliminate translation errors and Anglicisms, and only consult the original when I stumble across a passage and need to know what the author originally meant to say.
How much does it cost to edit a translated novel?
The cost of editing a novel depends largely on the quality of the translation. I charge at least 5.00 euros net/page (1,500 characters).
Try me out!
I’ll gladly edit a few pages of your book. That way, you can see my work and assess for yourself whether you find the investment worthwhile. For this trial run, I bill only €70.00 (plus VAT, if applicable) for one hour of my time.
Recently edited novels (translations from English to German)
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